The National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) and European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) would like to invite you to the newly inaugurate Kotenseki Seminar. This seminar series covers various topics related to Japanese pre-modern materials. The online lectures will be given by a researcher from NIJL in Japanese. No English translation will be given.
As the first of the series, we will examine how to read/identify the characters engraved on seals which often found in Japanese books. Those who wish to participate should apply by filling out the application form by 11 October. The event will be held as follows:
Date: 10:00 to 12:30 CEST on Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Speaker: Dr. Matsunaga Ryūsei (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Research Department, NIJL)
Participation fee: Free
If you require further information about this workshop, please contact Akira Hirano at: a.hirano@sainsbury-institute.org.